Theoretical Analysis of the Prerequisites of Regional Economic Integration.


  • D. Galoyan Армянский государственный экономический университет


regional economic integration, prerequisites of integration, factors of integration, economic development, openness of economy, technological capacity, export


Consistent integration in the European Union, unequivocally demonstrated the benefits of regional economic integration for all participating countries. At the same time, it helped to promote integration processes in almost all regions, giving comprehensive internationalization to economic life. However, the effectiveness of regional economic integration primarily depends on the availability of the prerequisites of integration. Topic of international relations in the world has recently acquired a large public outcry. In the conditions of current technological progress, in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of economic integration in the article the openness of the economy has been considered as a prerequisite of economic integration. Proposed index of technological capacity of export, which evaluates the openness of the economy, allows us to detect and assess the expectations and the practical results of regional economic integration.

Author Biography

D. Galoyan, Армянский государственный экономический университет

к.э.н., доцент кафедры международных экономических отношений


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