Interaction between states and TNCs in the development of a global competitive monopoly


  • M. Kuznetsov Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского


globalization, competitive advantage, competitive factors of production, state, transnational corporation


The study looks at the economics of a new quality, where all the actors of the world market are fighting for any types of resources, conducive to the achievement of their competitive advantage. In such conditions, a special importance belongs to the competitive behavior of transnational corporations and national economies. All this leads to conflict of private economic interests with state and vice versa, thereby putting in action the mechanism of the global competitive monopoly. The main direction of global competitive monopolization is a struggle for multiplication factors of production, mainly capital. Together with this, the main role of the state in the development of a globally competitive monopoly is to intensify the activities aimed at creation of the adequate competition policy, where the main part should be antimonopoly regulation.

Author Biography

M. Kuznetsov, Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского

к.геогр.н., доцент кафедры международной экономики


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