Management methodology wage formation in the enterprise.


  • N. Makovskaya Могилевский государственный университет имени А.Кулешова


wages, labor demand, enterprise, intra- wage policy, motivation, productivity


The article describes are the main theoretical approaches to the formation of wages in the enterprise. These approaches take into account the peculiarities of the price of labor and intra remuneration policy as a set of measures to build an effective wage. The main criteria of efficiency wages and their relationship to each other. Also, in the article considered the basic costs of building workers' wages. Justified position that wages are part of the employer's expenditure on the maintenance of workers in the enterprise. Employer is interested in optimizing the costs associated with cost of obtaining and maintenance workers. For employee wages - a source of income, which he tries to increase. Manage of a wage formation occurs within intra- wage policy, which aims to attract and retain qualified personnel to monitor and control labor costs, thereby optimizing the number of employees in the enterprise.

Author Biography

N. Makovskaya, Могилевский государственный университет имени А.Кулешова

д.э.н., доцент, заведующий кафедрой экономики и управления


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