Influence of the initiative «Eastern Partnership» on the development of trade relations between the member countries and the EU.


  • D. Mirankov Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского


the European Union, the «Eastern Partnership», economic integration


The European Union is interested in cooperation with neighboring states in order to bring them closer to European standards and to become a more stable and predictable partner. To implement an appropriate approach was developed European Neighborhood Policy, one of the areas which has become the «Eastern Partnership». Bilateral cooperation in the framework of the «Eastern Partnership» is intended to implement a number of opportunities for the participating countries, under which the EU will provide financial assistance. However, funding is insufficient. The features of the functioning of the «Eastern Partnership», and the main areas of cooperation, one of which provides for the gradual integration of the economies of member countries in the EU economy, which should contribute to strengthening trade ties. Revealed that the influence of the «Eastern Partnership» in these processes is characterized by low efficiency. However, this initiative has played an important role in the European integration process for partner countries and an additional impetus to further development of relations between them and the EU.

Author Biography

D. Mirankov, Таврический национальный университет имени В.И. Вернадского

старший преподаватель, аспирант кафедры международной экономики


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