The complex analysis and future trends of cooperation of Ukraine with International financial organizations.
an international financial organizations, program of cooperations, International Monetary Fund(IMF), World Bank Group, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), credit portfolio, project, the economics of UkraineAbstract
The article describes modern interrelation between International financial organizations, main problems of cooperation are determined. Determined that stable positive dynamics of cooperation is influenced by various factors, among which the most important are: the economic policy of the state, internal and external transformation preconditions entry into the world economy, liberalization of the economy, the formation of a transparent, consistent with international standards, and the question of the legislative field efficiency of external political and economic ties. A study of Ukraine's cooperation with international financial institutions in the context of the restructuring of the economy of the state. Means of rising and effectiveness of operation in Ukraine with these organizations in the future are offered.References
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