Environmental aspects of corporate social responsibility in the globalization of the world economy.


  • M. Chernousova Донецкий национальный університет
  • A. Borema Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Научно-производственный комплекс «Горные машины»


corporate social responsibility (CSR), global problems, sustainable development, environmental protection, environmental projects, large corporations, Dow Jones Index, intangible assets, economic efficiency


In the article the key directions of development of environmental responsibility of large corporations were considered in the face of aggravation of the global environmental problems. A review of recent research, international initiatives and trends in the development of corporate social responsibility was held. The causes and characteristics of the evolution of environmental responsibility in the current economic environment were investigated. The main forms of manifestation of CSR were highlighted and also there are some examples of environmental practices, which are been using by leading companies according to the data provided by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (the non-financial corporate reporting of Volkswagen, Siemens, Nestlé served as a basis to a research). The statistics from reporting of corporations mentioned above allowed to compare an efficiency of their performance with the average indexes of the largest world companies, as well as to analyze the connection between the level of ecological responsibility and the competitiveness. Thus, in the article the features of formation of CSR initiatives in environmental protection and their impact on economic performance of companies were defined.

Author Biographies

M. Chernousova, Донецкий национальный університет

доцент кафедры "Международная экономика", к.э.н.

A. Borema, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Научно-производственный комплекс «Горные машины»

специалист по корпоративным коммуникациям


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