Problems of increasing corporate social responsibility industry.
corporate social responsibility, business structure, society, sustainable development, social reporting, corporate cultureAbstract
The essence of economic category “corporate social responsibility” of the company as a voluntary contribution to sustainable development of society is grounded in the article. The main directions of action of the concept of corporate social responsibility, and its interaction with society are investigated. The current state of corporate social responsibility on the domestic industrial enterprises in conditions of the changing economic environment is analyzed. The basic problems of implementation of the social responsibility of Ukrainian companies under conditions of the lack of government incentives are found. The necessity of complex approach to the process of compliance with corporate social responsibility in Ukraine according to international standards is grounded. The proposals to address these issues of CSR in Ukraine are made. The scheme of interconnectivity in the management of CSR to the development of communication processes in the business environment is compiled. Special attention is paid to the issue of sustainability reporting according to the project GRI categories: economy, environment and social policy. The latest version of the instructions GRI is reviewed and the level of its usage by enterprises of Ukraine is investigated. The necessity of state support of CSR and reporting in this field is justified.References
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