Transformation of the role of TNCs in modern conditions of globalization.


  • Alsadek F. Salem Ashor Донецкий национальный университет


transnationalization, globalization, transnational corporations (TNCs), foreign direct investment


The article considers the role and place of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the modern world economy, analyzes the expert assessments of specific characteristics and trends in economic and investment activity of TNCs. The article also estimates the consequences of the global crisis influence on TNCs. The modern priorities and mechanisms of state support for regulatory activities on TNCs are also determined in the article. International experience shows that in most cases, countries that create and maintain the conditions necessary for the income of investment in the economy, are measured by TNK as a favorable area for long-term investments. In host countries it is necessary to monitor and permanently analyze the priority guidelines for FDI, volume of accumulated investments, their sectoral and geographical structure and to have an influence on the creation of the attractive climate from the investment point of view. The conclusions about the prospects of TNCs’ development in the context of globalization of the modern world economy are also drawn in the article.

Author Biography

Alsadek F. Salem Ashor, Донецкий национальный университет

аспирант кафедры «Международная экономика»


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