Structural transformation of the post-crisis global sphere of circulation


  • E. Baevа Донецкий национальный университет


international sphere of circulation of goods, services, global transformation, exports, imports, foreign economic relations, the global economic crisis, integration association


The article analyzes the current trends of the global scope of treatment, the quantitative estimation of the process of international trade in goods and services in the context of integration associations. It is proved that under current conditions due to the impact of the crisis occurs structural transformation of the global scope of treatment, which resulted in the formation of new leaders of the world economy. Based on the analysis using the correlation index of trade in goods (merchandise trade correlation index), concluded that the lowest value of the index have developed and emerging economies. Calculated that the most favorable conditions for trade cooperation and partnerships are formed between Ukraine and the Arab countries, ASEAN, countries APTA.

Author Biography

E. Baevа, Донецкий национальный университет

аспирант кафедры «Маркетинг»


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