Evaluation of the effectiveness of the integration processes at different levels


  • V. Gerasenko Белорусский государственный экономический университет
  • R. Grabar Полесский государственный университет


integration, synergy effect, economic effect, the political effect, the social effect


The article considers the problems of assessing the effectiveness of integration processes at the country, region, enterprise. Currently, there is a strengthening of economic integration with the level and pace of financial integration, in which processes of economic actors union and centralization of capital are most important . This article discusses the main theoretical approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of the integration processes in the retrospective period, and the results of empirical studies of foreign scholars in this field. On the way of real synergies among all enterprises to improve management at different levels, rise issues of growing relevance of strengthening relations with the integration processes that determined the choice of the theme. Evaluating the effectiveness of the integration processes carried out by the market approach based on synergies . There are represented the basic positions of synergy evaluation from the associations of enterprises.


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