Strategic partnership is in external economic politics of country.
export-import operations, external economic relations, management, quality of life, strategic partnership, transformation processes, world economyAbstract
Influence of transformation processes is analyzed in politics and economy of Ukraine, other states on the changes of quality of life. Intercommunication of leadership of countries is set on economic potential with leadership on the indexes of quality of life. Tendencies are described in realization of export-import operations of Ukraine with countries the CIS and ЕС. Attention is accented on the necessity of strengthening of positions of home commodity producers on the traditional and new markets of realization of products. Terms, criteria and basic principles of establishment of relations of strategic partnership, are worked out. Conformities to law of change of leadership are investigational in the world economic system – from countries “G7” to “E7”. Twenty most powerful economies are grouped on the index of GDP (PPP) on the basis of prognosis values of development of world economy to 2050 y. for determination of possible vectors of strategic partnership. It is recommended to use programmatic-having a special purpose approach for forming of strategy of socio-economic development of the country, sent to strengthening of moral, renewal and further development of education, science, industry, agrarian sector for the native improvement of welfare of Ukrainian nation.References
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