Prospects for the development of human resources management in the system of corporate culture in the conditions of EU enlargement
human resource management, corporate culture, customer-oriented corporate culture, competenceAbstract
In the article the role of human resources management in the system of corporate culture. Management of human resources (HR) is proposed to consider as creating a system of corporate culture of most favorable conditions for the development of abilities and application of professional skills of the personnel, his motivation in order to implement the organization's mission and strategy. Aggravation of problems of social instability as in the EU countries and Ukraine raises need for new, effective forms of development in the system of corporate culture organizations. Proposed axiological approach to the staff of the organization in the systematization of corporate cultures. Approach takes account of the basic values of the needs of the employees and harmonize the relations within the team. On the other hand, for the introduction of customer-oriented corporate culture of the necessity of development and implementation of the model of professional competence of the personnel.References
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