Corporate social responsibility: international experience and opportunities for Ukraine


  • V. Klafas Публичное акционерное общество «ММК им. Ильича», Донецький национальный университет


corporate social responsibility, Global Compact and sustainable business development, non-financial reporting


The article deals with the modern trend of using CSR practices and sustainable business in the world and in Ukraine in particular. Proved that large companies often give reports on sustainable development. Companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange usually give reports more sustainable development. The verification reports Sustainability resort 51% of mining companies and 46% of the power sector companies in other sectors of the percentage of companies reporting practice verification is low. Today the principles of GRI Sustainability de facto treated as a single international standard preparation of reports. The biggest initiative in the field of sustainable development on a global scale is the UN Global Compact. It is proved that Ukraine has formed a group of leaders of non-financial reporting, which largely determine the development of this type of reporting, and in recent years CSR Ukrainian companies increasingly becomes systemic.

Author Biography

V. Klafas, Публичное акционерное общество «ММК им. Ильича», Донецький национальный университет

Начальник учебно-курсового комбината, соискатель кафедры «Международная экономика»


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Сайт аудиторско-консалтинговой фирмы KPMG [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: – Название с экрана.

Сайт Группы СКМ [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: - Название с экрана.

Сайт Центра «Развитие корпоративной социальной ответственности» [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа: - Название с экрана.


