Improving the competitiveness of the industry as a factor of the knowledge economy forming in the context of global scientific and technological transformations.


  • V. Podunay Донецкий национальный университет


competitiveness, innovation, knowledge economy, technological transformation, economic development


The article considers the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, and the relationship of this concept with an innovative component. It was made an analysis of the role of competitiveness in the knowledge economy, taking into account technological transformations in the modern economic system. The analysis of the current state of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is suggested, which led to the conclusion insufficiently funding innovative component industries of Ukraine. It is proved that the transition to a postindustrial society and the formation of a knowledge economy in the state is not possible without the introduction of technology in the production of 5 and 6 technological structures that are inseparably associated with an increased level of competitiveness of the state’s economy. The known methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness of the economy and the knowledge economy are analyzed. Provided analyze is based on its review of the proposed indices and concluded that there is a close relationship between the process of forming the country's knowledge economy and increase the competitiveness of the country.

Author Biography

V. Podunay, Донецкий национальный университет

ассистент кафедры «Международная экономика»


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