Financial literacy and its impact on the economy of the country (by the example of Kyrgyzstan).


  • A. Chalbaev Киргизский Национальный Университет имени Жусуп Баласагина


financial market, securities, domestic investment, monitoring educational programs, financial literacy


The article examines the impact of the level of financial literacy on the development of the economy as well as the already existing experience of industrial countries implementing a long-term program to improve the financial literacy of citizens. In addition, the lack of substantiated the effectiveness of national studies of individual programs, which are should be monitored in terms of financial education programs regardless of a national study. Evaluation should be based primarily on the final results in order to have a greater knowledge about final possible result. Along with this is justified to develop various programs to improve the financial literacy of the population based on three interrelated components. Especially: installation, knowledge and skills. Also, the article proposed various kinds of measures to improve the financial literacy and their introduction into existing social programs on the country.

Author Biography

A. Chalbaev, Киргизский Национальный Университет имени Жусуп Баласагина



Программа повышения финансовой грамотности населения Кыргызской Республики на 2013 – 2017 годы;

Концепция Государственной программы повышения финансовой грамотности населения Республики Беларусь на 2013-2018 годы;

О развитии программ финансовой грамотности в государствах – участниках ЕврАзЭС.


