Analytical review of the current state and prospects of shale gas production


  • O. Chernoivanova Донецкий национальный университет


shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, methane, alternative energy raw materials, ecological and economic security, energy


The article discusses the feasibility of developing in Ukraine shale gas, based on traditional factors, problems and prospects of its production by foreign companies. Mining technology and gas development implies positive and negative sides, as shown in this study. Shale gas production in Ukraine does not solve the issues of energy security, but only poses a threat to the economic and environmental aspects. Environmental shale gas carries such dangerous phenomena: the possible ingress of chemicals in the ground water, depletion of water resources in the area of excavation, soil erosion as a result of hydraulic fracturing and other. The article examines the ability to provide alternative forms of country energy resources, assesses environmental and economic security of Ukraine and the main directions of development of the Ukrainian energy sector. The conclusion about expediency, in these conditions, development and production of coal bed methane, as well the use of other alternative energy sources.

Author Biography

O. Chernoivanova, Донецкий национальный университет

к.э.н., доцент кафедры размещения и развития производительных сил


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